Corona from a childs perspective, by Jess

Corona from a childs perspective, by Jess

It started as a joke with my friends everyone laughing and joking about how this silly virus was from a man eating a bat but then things got real.

One day I was scrolling through Facebook when I came across a video of China and how it had gone on complete lockdown because of the virus. I started to laugh as it was “over dramatic”. A few days later the lethal virus had spread. That’s when my mum warned me. I laughed it off and said “It’s all the way in China and Italy, it’s not even close to us.” The next day I see on the news it’s hit someone in Britain. My mum constantly saying to me make sure you keep on top of your hygiene, me, thinking it was just my mum being her motherly self, brushed it off again and that’s when it hit.

The next day 3 more people was infected then more and more people had been infected by this cruel virus. I went to college that day and people was laughing and joking pretending they had the virus but a week later it was announced all schools shut. At first I thought ‘Great I can spend time with my family and friends’. Little did I know what was about to happen...

My mum switches on the news “Everyone must stay inside”. This is like a film! What is happening? Surely it can’t be real. No-one out in the street, nobody apart from the silly few that brush it off. The government proceed to make sure nobody leaves. We are just weeks, even days away from going into complete lockdown. Please someone stop this madness. Everyone rushes to the shop to stock up all the food, leaving the vulnerable with nothing, the ones that it affects the most. The next few days pass, now everywhere is out of stock on some of the simplest things. I’m watching my little sister trying to take all of this in. What must her tiny innocent mind be thinking? Is she scared? Does she even know what’s going on? No, nobody does.

She’s 6 and all she wants to do is go to school, have fun and learn and play with her friends but she can’t leave the house. What must she be thinking? She’s been acting different recently getting upset over tiny things but what’s really on her mind? She can’t see her friends or her dad or her grandma or her nana or her other brother and sisters but what does she think is happening? The change of routine must be confusing her. Home learning and no going outside for a walk without the fear of what could happen. She is sat playing her games while everyone is worrying and becoming terrified of this virus but what else is there for her to do apart from wonder and wait until this chaos is over.

It’s like watching a movie, it’s so scary and doesn’t seem true but it is. Please stay indoors and let’s see this fight through.


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