Stop Hate UK

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Stop Hate UK is a leading charity working to combat hate in all its forms. For over 25 years the charity has been working to support those who are affected by or witnessed a Hate Crime.

Stop Hate UK offers classroom-based learning for secondary level pupils on a range of topics

  1. Identity and diversity – looking at how refugees and migrants are perceived, and how they contribute to our society

  2. Racism – exploring how to recognise and respond to racist behaviour

  3. Media bias and fake news – using critical thinking to gain a balanced view of the world

  4. Being an Upstander – looking at the stories of people in the news (and others) and how upstanders made a difference in their lives

  5. *COMING SOON* – social media and hate speech online – teaching responsible online use

Costs start at £625 for a full day’s teaching.

We also run Hate Crime awareness training for teachers. Online prices start at £259.00. For in-person training, please contact us.

Find out more at or contact info@stophateuk to discuss how our training can support your work.


Hull Youth Justice Service