Tigers Trust (Primary and Secondary)
Our Primary Partner Schools can access a wide range of PSHE activities as well as the PE and School Sport we offer. These include structured 6 week programs which are can be tailored to meet schools needs. We off a wide range of topics including Health and Mental Health, Teamwork, Leadership, Environment and Sporting Values. The Tigers Trust can also offer CPD to primary teachers in the above areas to deliver on these topics. If you are interested in any of these please contact Alex: alex.lisney@tigerstrust.co.uk
The Inspires project is focused on working with secondary schools. Schools sign up to a one-day delivery offer either on a termly partnership or full year offer. Schools are required to engage a boys and girls cohort with ‘Achieve’ which is targeted at students typically with low confidence/self-esteem or other risk factors that may impact them achieving their full potential. Remaining hours within a partnership allows schools to select from a menu of activities such as 1-2-1 support, sports leaders, extra-curricular etc which are central to individual schools needs and key aims towards supporting their students.
For further details of partnership options and costs please contact Ellis: ellis.oliver@tigerstrust.co.uk or 07999030157
The Kicks programme has also long been a flagship programme of the Premier League. This programme is centred on preventing antisocial behaviour in the most deprived areas of the city. Sessions delivered are typically turn up and play and can be based around football or multi-sport. We also have sessions solely for internationals/refugees who are looking to find ways to integrate into British society and Hull as a place of residence.
The Trust also has a Kicks international women’s session which runs to support women with different cultures, faiths and beliefs to come together to take part in sport. The Kicks programme also partners up with various key partners around the City e.g. police, local youth projects to extend its provision and ensure upmost support for all provision to have maximum impact on young people.
For further details please contact Kayleigh: Kayleigh.jackson@tigerstrust.co.uk