Y.A.N.A Poems by Young People


Young People Release Poetry to give city a HeadStart on Suicide Prevention

In 2018 a group of young volunteers from the HeadStart Hull programme launched their inspirational and acclaimed suicide awareness campaign called “You Are Not Alone”.


During Mental Health Awareness Week 2020, and to commemorate the 2-year anniversary of the event, they are releasing a FREE book of the personal poetry written as part of the campaign.

HeadStart Hull volunteers are a group of young people aged 11 to 25 who lead on the awareness campaigns of the programme, which builds resilience and improves emotional wellbeing for young people in Hull. Meeting regularly, they identify the issues that affect young people directly and create ways to raise awareness and provide support.

Back in 2018, the group agreed something needed to be done to tackle suicide awareness, and as many had been personally affected by the subject, it was agreed something big was needed.

“You Are Not Alone” was born and the group began work on building a large-scale event that would make people sit up and listen.

Working with local poet and BBC Audio Award Winner Vicky Foster, the volunteers wrote a collection of powerful and emotional poetry, shinning a spotlight on the mental health issues they and so many other young people live and struggle with every day.

The poems were recorded and edited into soundscapes, played through speakers at locations in Hull identified by the group as having high suicide rates, to tell anyone who heard them what they needed to hear, “You Are Not Alone”.

2 years later, these incredible poems have been collected and published in a special book, which can now be downloaded for FREE to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week 2020.

The book, illustrated by HeadStart volunteer Kaitlyn Robson, will be given to every young person who accesses HeadStart Hull’s counselling service and Emotional Resilience Coach service, to keep with them as a reminder that there are people who can help and they are not alone.

Following the digital release, a physical launch is planned to take place and it is hoped a limited printed stock will be available to purchase at selected outlets in the city.

Gail Teasdale, HeadStart Hull Programme Manager said, “This book launch is the culmination of a long-term campaign led by “HeadStarters” – young volunteers who give their free time to develop and deliver campaigns which impact on young people’s lives. The young people involved have done an excellent job in raising awareness of the issue and the support available in a creative and sensitive way, which gives an important message to all whose lives have been impacted by suicide or who have had thoughts of suicide, that “you are not alone”.

Clair Atherton, HeadStart Hull Participation & Co-production Officer said, “Despite being under-reported suicide is the bigger killer of young people in the UK, and sadly, the number of young people taking their own lives is at an all-time high. A lot of the young people we work with have battled their own thoughts of suicide or have been impacted by the suicide of others, and often the pain, guilt and unanswered questions they are left with never go away. Many young people feel unable to open up about their feelings because of the stigma around suicide. The HeadStart volunteers wanted a creative solution, to raise awareness of these issues and to challenge that stigma, so that young people everywhere can feel free to talk openly about suicide and access the support they need. It has been over three years now since some of the volunteers started work on this campaign and they continue to amaze me with their passion, hard work and dedication to improving the lives of other young people.”

Volunteer Kaitlyn Robson said, “I have been a part of the You Are Not Alone process from the start and it has had a huge impact on helping to reduce the stigma around mental health and suicide in Hull. Instead of asking something like “You’re not going to do anything silly are you?”, professionals now feel confident to ask direct questions such as “Are you feeling suicidal?”, and that in itself could be lifesaving. Not only has the You Are Not Alone campaign had a huge impact on the community, I have had a lot of personal growth from it. I made stronger friendships, built on passion for ending the stigma around mental health and suicide and helping people realise they are not alone and they can get professional help. The You Are Not Alone book is another physical product of the campaign along with the postcard. I hope it will act as a constant reminder that there are always people who care. And I hope they can pick it up when they’ve had a bad day and be uplifted by the poetry and know where they can get help.”

Listen to the poems performed to the soundscape music