How many does it support?
WRAP (working across 8 schools)
• Number of young people
Identified (referred) – 530
• Number of young people
recruited (appropriate referrals)
– 427
• Number of young people taking
up the service – 349
Case study - Year 8
female accessing the
WRAP project
The referral for WRAP identified that “L” is very sensitive and takes matters to heart; she has friendship issues and has been bullied due to her appearance and sexuality. “L” is currently living with her father. “L” disclosed that she has self-harmed in the past, and has had suicidal thoughts.
Support provided
An initial visit was made to the family home to seek consents
from dad. “L” completed a My Star assessment and identified her goal as wanting to feel ‘more confident’. “L” attended the WRAP programme. Initially she was quiet and sat by herself but with the support of the project workers and group members started to open up about her experiences. “L” started to speak to other members about her interests, becoming more confident within the group, and joined in with the group activities and sat with other group members on her lunch breaks. “L” worked through her triggers
which she was able to identify, and these linked with the suicidal
thoughts. “L” received one to one sessions in school as well as the group work, to explore these in more detail. During a one to one “L” disclosed that the suicidal thoughts have been daily but she could not pin point the reason
behind them. A CAMHS referral was made however CAMHS were unable to offer support as they felt “L” did not meet their threshold. During a one to one session “L” made a list of all the things that were causing her stress which included school, waiting for GCSE subjects to be confirmed and family issues which were causing her upset. It was agreed with “L” that we would look at further support post group work. We agreed on a referral to MIND and a creative arts group in her local community. The Barnardo’s Project Worker also gave “L” information on Cornerhouse support groups in relation to sexuality. After a community youth group attended a session to discuss what they offer young people locally the Barnardo’s Project Worker arranged for the group members to attend a session at the youth club with their support. This was a really positive experience for “L”. She really
enjoyed the session and made new friends. “L” has continued to attend the youth club.
“L” has seen changes herself since completing the project and feels more confident. The suicidal thoughts have reduced a lot and she is feeling less stressed. “L” has formed new friendships from the WRAP group and within the community. Dad has reported changes in “L” and has seen her become more positive and opening up more about her feelings at home. The Barnardo’s Project Worker observed “L” become more confident with the other group members; she talked to every group member and spoke openly about her triggers and early warning signs. “L” has spoken about her aspirations for the future, building on these by linking into community groups locally.
Next steps
Referred to MIND for one to one support. Referred to creative arts youth project.
Feedback from young person accessing WRAP
“My relationships have improved a lot. People are saying they’ve noticed a difference in me. I’ve made an effort to spend time with my mum, we are still doing mindfulness colouring together and have done some sequin art too. We sit and do it together. We do wellness tools too like watch a movie once a week. Instead of sitting in my room on my own, I spend most my time downstairs watching films with my mum. I’ve tried to stop going on my phone
as much too.” (boy, age 13).
Feedback from Parent on the WRAP project
“She is so much more aware of her feelings now and knows it is ok to feel like that; she is able to know what she can do to get through it.”
Feedback from school staff on the WRAP project
“The offer is allowing the school to access support that previously we would have been waiting for or could not access. The well-being of our students has been placed as a priority which is having a positive impact on them but also
the parents.”