Transition Support


Hull Transition Good Practice Guide

This protocol aims to support children in Hull to transfer from each phase in education by guiding schools in a ‘best practice’ approach with minimum, clear, consistent standards across each transitional phase. Education Endowment Foundation guidance reports are signposted at appropriate points and reflect our expectation that schools draw upon the best available evidence of what works for children in education.

By primary, secondary schools, early years settings, post 16, special schools and PRUs  working together, including parents/ carers in this process, effective transition arrangements will contribute to children achieving the best possible start in the next stage of their educational journey.

The protocol aims to bring together the most successful ways of enabling a smooth transition to the next stage and has been produced in light of direct comments from pupils, parents, organisations and agencies that work in a supportive capacity with children and their families as well as from staff involved in the transition process.

All pupils moving from one stage of school to another will need support at this crucial time - those pupils who are likely to be more vulnerable at this time, should be supported as appropriate to their needs, essentially there needs to be a different level of support for different pupils.

The general conclusion being that whilst the vast majority of transitions work smoothly, there are times when things go wrong, leaving the child and parents/carers with a poor experience.

The Transition Good Practice Guide sets an expectation and programme for active work between all phases of education and for meetings and activities between the schools.

There are clear roles and responsibilities within all phases that support the transition process.

This Transition Protocol applies to all pupils moving between all educational phases. Note, where an EHCP exists, procedures and arrangements are more detailed due to the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice and the number of agencies likely to be involved. The SEND Co-ordinator at each primary and secondary school will work together on transition for these children.

This Transition Protocol applies to all pupils moving between all educational phases. Note, where an EHCP exists, procedures and arrangements are more detailed due to the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice and the number of agencies likely to be involved. The SEND Co-ordinator at each primary and secondary school will work together on transition for these children.

●      Teachers and senior leaders in all Hull primary schools, secondary schools,  specials, PRUs, and  early years settings

●      Other Key support staff  and stakeholders involved in the transition process

●      Hull City Council and the Learning Partnership (Transition sub group)

●      Parents and carers


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