Services available for Young People
There are lots of different people and services that can support you with many different issues.
We know it can be confusing sometimes, knowing where to ask for help or support, and sometimes it can feel as though there isn’t anyone that will understand or help.
On this page, you will find services to support you with your emotional health and wellbeing.
Browse the full page or use the drop down menu below to find the topic you want.
Information on Mental Health
The national Mind website has a lot of information about mental health and advice on accessing support.
For more local support and helplines, visit Hull and East Yorkshire Mind on heymind.org.uk.
Combined Minds
Created by Stem4 (teenage mental charity), Combined Minds helps families and friends support young people with their mental health. When a child or young person has a diagnosed mental health condition, families and friends want to support them in the best way but also know when to step back.
Young Minds
Whether you want to understand more about how you’re feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who is struggling, Young Minds can help.
Students Against Depression
Students Against Depression is a website offering advice, information, and guidance to those affected by low mood, depression, and suicidal thinking.
Anna Freud Resources
The Anna Freud children and young people’s wellbeing resources aim to empower young people to make informed choices about their mental health and wellbeing.
These resources have been coproduced by young people to support other young people.
Local Support for Young People
The Warren Youth Project
Established in 1983, The Warren Youth Project provides vital support services to young people in Hull.
The team of 24 offers support, guidance, training, education, counselling, employability skills/ training, and creative expression activities and services to young people ages 14-25 years (29 years by appointment in the case of employability support).
Astra Youth Centre
This service works with young people aged 10-19 and up to 24 years for those with disabilities and/ or learning needs in the North of Hull.
The youth service offers support through one-to-one work, small group work, large group work, outreach work, the Hull Young Carers Project, and LGBTQ+.
Refresh are a confidential support service for under 19’s in Hull who work with young people and/ or families around drugs and alcohol. We also provide stop smoking support for under 16’s.
Kingston Youth Centre
This service works with young people aged 10-19 and up to 24 years for those with disabilities and/ or learning needs in the West of Hull.
The youth service offers support through one-to-one work, small group work, large group work, outreach work, the Hull Young Carers Project, and LGBTQ+.
Andrew Marvell Youth Centre
This service works with young people aged 10-19 and up to 24 years for those with disabilities and/ or learning needs in the East of Hull.
The youth service offers support through one-to-one work, small group work, large group work, outreach work, the Hull Young Carers Project, and LGBTQ+.
Youth Connect
Youth Connect is a website for 11-to-18-year-olds seeking to explore new interests, develop skills and contribute to their community. The platform is part of a strengths-based campaign to encourage young people to take part in positive activities as an alternative to being drawn into crime or violence.
The directory of activities – including sports clubs, art classes and silent discos . Youth Connect also lists relevant support services so young people have access to any help they may need.
Ainthorpe Youth Centre
This service works with young people aged 10-19 and up to 24 years for those with disabilities and/ or learning needs in the West of Hull.
The youth service offers support through one-to-one work, small group work, large group work, outreach work, the Hull Young Carers Project, and LGBTQ+.
The Turf Youth Group
Youth group for children and young people ages 8-18, based at the Octogan Family Centre on Walker Street.
By building relationships with young people and the local community, Turf provide a strong and effective support network to help with the transition from dependence to independence through facilitating personal, social, and educational development.
Route One Youth Centre
This service works with young people aged 10-19 and up to 24 years for those with disabilities and/ or learning needs in the North of Hull.
The youth service offers support through one-to-one work, small group work, large group work, outreach work, the Hull Young Carers Project, and LGBTQ+.
Connexions are an information, advice, and guidance service for 13-19 year olds.
They provide specialist information, advice, and guidance on education, training, and employment opportunities available in the local area.
If you are over 18, and you have an Education Health and Care Plan, then they may still be able to support you.
Distraction and Self Help Techniques
The national Mind website has a lot of information and suggestions for self help and urgent, non-medical support you can do yourself.
For helplines and local care, visit HEYmind.org.uk as well.
Clear Fear
Created by Stem4 (teenage mental health charity), Clear Fear uses a Cognitive Behavioural framework to help change anxious thoughts and emotions, alter anxious behaviours and calm fear responses. It also has descriptions of the different ways in which anxiety can manifest, and information and resources to help manage this.
Intended age range: 11-19
Molehill Mountain
Molehill Mountain is designed to help people with autism to understand and self-manage their anxiety.
Molehill Mountain allows you to track your worries and identify the situations that trigger your anxiety. Your daily check-ins are plotted on a chart which allows you to identify pattern and trends – and you can also display a previous check-in to help you identify recurring triggers for your anxiety. Over time, tips are unlocked that will help you to understand your anxiety and learn ways to manage it.
Intended age range: 16+.
PAPYRUS keep a list of suggested apps via Orcha that can help you with your mental health.
There are a range of specialist and general information apps to look through.
Tellmi: Better Mental Health
Tellmi is a peer-support app, where users can post questions or concerns and receive replies from a community of people their own age, whether they are struggling with stress, anxiety or depression, or having problems with relationships. All posts are checked by a trained worker before being published.
Age range: 11+
Explore the ‘toolbox’ on the Childline website for online games and suggestions on how to feel better.
There is also a calm zone for when you feel stressed or overwhelmed.
The distrACT app provides easy, quick and discreet access to general health information and advice for people who self-harm and may feel suicidal, and people supporting them.
Intended age range: 13+.
Move Mood
Move Mood is designed to help young people manage the things they might find difficult when experiencing low mood. Created for Stem4 (teenage mental health charity) Move Mood supports users to define goals and set activity schedules. The app motivates users by providing a 'companion' to help them accomplish tasks they commit to and earn 'awards' for completing them.
There is the opportunity for monitoring progress and a section for resources. Intended age range: 13+
Feeling Good Teens
Feeling Good Teens is designed to help build self-esteem and motivation. It features 11 tracks of varying length, from 3 minutes to 11 minutes, that guide mindful relaxation, muscle relaxation, calming the mind, building self-confidence, coping with exam stress, and sleeping well.
Intended age range: 10–15 years olds.
Chat Health
Chat Health is a free text messaging service, for 11-19 year olds in Hull, where you can speak confidentially to a nurse about health-related concerns.
A nurse will respond to you within 24 hours (between 9.00 and 16.30 Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays).
You can text the service directly on: 07312 263199
Childline offer support and advice for young people, on the phone, and online, anytime.
Call 0800 1111 for the helpline.
Yorkshire MESMAC is one of the oldest and largest sexual health organisations in the country. We offer services to various communities across Yorkshire, including men who have sex with men, people of colour and other marginalised races, people misusing drugs, sex workers and LGBT+ young people and adults.
We offer a range of mental health and wellbeing services, including counselling, 1-2-1 support, group sessions and training.
Talk To Someone
Chat Health
Hull and East Yorkshire Mind
Hull and East Yorkshire Mind offer group and 1:1 support for young people.
The service is open 9.00 - 17.00 weekdays to support local people, their friends, family members or colleagues.
You can call or text this service on:
01482 240133 or free 0800 138 990
07520 633 447
Youth Recovery & Wellbeing College
Learn creative and empowering ways to improve your wellbeing. A mix of virtual and face-to-face sessions, available free to young people aged 11-18 in Hull and East Riding.
The Mix
The Mix is available to support young people with any challenge you are facing.
It has helplines, online communities, socials, and counselling services available.
Tellmi: Better Mental Health
Tellmi is a peer-support app, where users can post questions or concerns and receive replies from a community of people their own age, whether they are struggling with stress, anxiety or depression, or having problems with relationships. All posts are checked by a trained worker before being published.
Age range: 11+
Our Talk to Us! campaign encourages young people to reach out to a trusted adult for support. Or, you might just want to chat to them about whatever's on your mind.
Keep reading to discover the benefits of talking about your wellbeing. There's also some useful links to websites if you need more help and advice.
Are you an adult looking for advice on supporting a young person? Check out our Listen to Us! campaign page.
Contact the police on 101 if you are concerned about serious violence, have information or need to report an incident. In case of an emergency, call 999.
Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere.
It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.
The Anlaby Suite
The Anlaby Suite is a place to come if you have been raped or sexually assaulted. They see children and young people when they have been sexually abused or people are worried they may have been sexually assaulted. They are there to listen and want to ensure you are happy, healthy, and safe.
Even if the rape or sexual assault happened a long time ago, they can help you in other ways.
Dove House: Grief and Bereavement Services
Children and young people often struggle with grief, and may need extra support when someone they love has died. Child bereavement co-ordinators can provide information about Dove House’s Children’s Bereavement Groups.
The team has lots of experience in helping people talk through their grief, and the many thoughts and emotions that can come and go during this time. The team can also help with practical advice and support and have links with lots of other organisations who can offer support to you and your family.
Apart of Me
Apart of Me was co-created by experts in child psychology and bereaved young people and translates bereavement counselling techniques into a 3D world.
A guide supports the user along their journey. The in-app journey is designed to help users explore, accept, understand, and articulate your experience of grief and the wide range of emotions connected to it.
Intended age range: 12 - 18 (core 13 -16).
Loss and Bereavement
Fitmums & Friends: Together in Grief
Together in Grief - The Forest Project helps children and young people cope with bereavement. The team use forest activities, literature, and bereavement support to create a safe space in which participants can explore and express their grief.
Being outside in nature can benefit both our physical and mental wellbeing.
The forest is an ideal setting in which to support bereaved children and young people. A forest setting and activities can also suit children and young people who may find a more traditional approach intimidating.
Child Bereavement UK
Child Bereavement UK offers free and confidential bereavement support for individuals, couple, children, young people, and families, by telephone, video or instant messenger in the UK.
Winston’s Wish
Winston’s Wish is a charity helping young people up to the age of 25 find their feet when their worlds are turned upside down by grief.
SEED is a group made of ordinary people who have had first-hand experience of eating disorders in one form or another.
SEED feel it is important to share experiences with others and help in any way possible.
Eating Disorders
Beat are the UK’s eating disorder charity. Founded in 1989 as the Eating Disorders Association, their mission is to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders.
Worth Warrior
Created by Stem4 (teenage mental health charity), Worth Warrior aims to help young people manage negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours that can lead to low self-worth, body dissatisfaction and possible eating disorders.
Recommended age 12+
It is recommended a GP should be consulted in the first instance to ensure physical health is not at risk. If you have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, please talk to a responsible adult, and see a health professional first to find out if the app is suitable for you.
If you are under the supervision of a mental health team, you may use the app under their guidance.
Calm Harm
Calm Harm provides techniques to help break the cycle of self-harm. Users can learn to ‘surf the wave’ by doing five-minute or fifteen-minute activities.
There is also a breathing technique to help reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. Intended age range: 13+
The app has been developed for self-guided use by individuals who experience non suicidal self-injury. If you self-harm with suicidal intent, please talk to a responsible adult and see a health professional urgently.
Self Harm
Cornerhouse have a number of ways which you can access support if you are LGBT+ or questioning your gender and sexuality.
Cornerhouse have a dedicated LGBTQ+ youth worker who can offer one to one support to young people in Hull who might need to talk to someone around gender and sexuality identity.
A hub for all young lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning, and ace (LGBTQ+) people thinking about their next steps.
CAMHS Crisis Team
The Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) crisis team covers Hull and the East Riding and operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
This service is for young people (under 18) who are in crisis, experiencing emotional distress, and are struggling to cope.
Crisis Support
If you need immediate help or feel your life may be in danger, call 999.
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.
We believe that no young person should have to struggle alone with thoughts of suicide.
Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere.
It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.
Anna Freud Crisis Messenger
The Anna Freud Crisis Messenger text service is a free, confidential, 24/7 text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or struggling to cope.
The service is staffed by trained volunteers who will work with you to take your next steps towards feeling better.