Professionals Resources

Resources to support you, as a professional, in assisting children and young people with their emotional health and wellbeing needs.


Resources for Professionals

Video Resources to support you, as a professional, in assisting children and young people with their emotional health and wellbeing needs.

Circle North is an interactive drama series produced with young people and subject specialists for use in secondary schools, youth workers and other educational settings to provide relatable learning on key community safety and relationship and sexual education (RSE) issues.

Content can be delivered as an interlinked series or as standalone episodes delivered through guided lesson plans and a learning platform that enables schools and public sector agencies to gather meaningful insights about the feelings and experiences of the young people they support.

Circle North materials are mapped against PSHE Learning outcomes and are evaluated by independent PSHE professionals and subject specialists on an ongoing basis.

Please visit the Circle North website to find out more information.

Supporting trusted adults to talk to young people without judgment, agenda or expectation.

When a young person is having a tough time, they will often reach out to a ‘trusted adult’ in their life. These are usually adults who play an active, positive and crucial role within the community. This could be someone in their school, local club or wider family. 

If a young person seeks you out as a trusted adult, it can be difficult to know what to do or say. Our ‘Listen to Us!’ campaign offers useful advice and support for these potentially tricky conversations. We worked with the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (HNYHCP) to create and collate the below resources, which were co-produced with young people.

The HNYHCP has also created a handy guide for professionals who work with children and young people.

Keep reading to learn more about the role of a trusted adult and how they can make a big difference.
Are you a young person who wants to learn more about trusted adults? Check out our Talk to Us! campaign page.

Contact the police on 101 if you are concerned about serious violence, have information or need to report an incident. In case of an emergency, call 999.