Pledge To PSHE Education Brochure
A directory to support and enhance PSHE Education in Hull
2021 - 2022
I am Cat Jones and I joined the HeadStart Hull team as PSHE Education Policy and Practice Officer in May 2019. I have worked with schools across Hull supporting them with PSHE Education in preparation for when Relationships, Sex (Secondary) and Health Education (RSHE) became statutory in September 2020 and beyond. The Department for Education (DfE) RSHE guidance was finalised in 2019 and there are many key documents that have been published alongside this. The key themes stipulated in the guidance to be covered by schools are:
Relationship and Sex Education
Respectful relationships, including friendships
Online and media
Being safe
Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health
Mental well-being
Internet safety and harms
Physical health and fitness
Healthy eating
Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
Health and prevention
Basic first aid
Changing adolescent body
Air quality
I am available to support, at no cost to schools, in many ways with regards to PSHE Education, the Ofsted framework and DfE RSHE statutory guidance:
Day to day support in school
Jigsaw support
Curriculum enhancement (community links and external providers)
Advice, guidance and support with policy writing
Working with individual staff
Presenting to Senior Leadership Teams
Presenting to Governing Bodies
Staff training and continual professional development
Undertaking audits, monitoring and quality assurance
Preparation for Ofsted
I have also set up Secondary, PRUs and Special Schools Forums to share good practice and work as a team across the City. These meetings will take place termly after school to make it easier for people to attend and they will continue to be virtual using Microsoft Teams. The dates published for the 2021-2022 academic year are:
Forum Dates
Throughout the Autumn Term 2021, I will be focusing on bringing Primary PSHE Education leads within Multi Academy Trusts together virtually (as in the Spring Term 2021). This will give us the opportunity to discuss Ofsted requirements with regards to Relationships, Sex and Health Education, PSHE Education in general and other current key information. The meetings will be a chance for schools to share good practice with one another and offer school to school support where needed.
Schools can benefit from becoming a member of national organisations that will help with meeting the DfE RSHE statutory guidance and with PSHE Education in general. The PSHE Association and the Sex Education Forum are organisations which HeadStart Hull are members are of and we recommend that you join one/both of them. You might want to explore joining them as a Multi Academy Trust.
For more information contact
The PSHE Association -
Their mission is to raise the status, quality and impact of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and enable high-quality PSHE education teaching and learning for all children and young people. They provide teachers and practitioners with:
Dedicated advice, training and support by phone, email and face-to-face.
The latest news via regular email and social media updates. These cover the latest curriculum developments, new resources, upcoming events, CPD opportunities and changes to policy and legislation.
Access to an ever-growing library of downloadable resources including schemes of work, self-review tools and guidance on writing school policies. We produce resources ourselves and quality assure resources developed by others.
Access to high-quality CPD workshops and conferences.
The chance to join a community of over 30,000 professionals in a growing and influential professional movement, working together to ensure that all children and young people experience high-quality PSHE education.
Opportunities to play an active part in developing and promoting PSHE teaching and policy, for example through piloting new guidance and informing national policy development.
The Sex Education Forum –
The Sex Education Forum is a group of partners working together to achieve quality relationships and sex education (RSE) for all children and young people. Their membership for schools and other educators serves to connect organisations and individuals with the latest practice, research and policy information.
Their work on RSE is underpinned by evidence, a rights-based approach and the expressed needs of children and young people. They endeavour to achieve three main objectives:
1. Ensuring RSE is firmly embedded into national and local government policies and public understanding. To achieve this they have been at the forefront of the campaign for statutory RSE, and they continue to work to influence policy.
2. Supporting professionals to be well informed and competent to commission, plan, teach, evaluate and research RSE. Their membership keeps educators informed and they offer a range of training courses and take on projects to expand the reach of high quality RSE.
3. To identify, explore and respond to new themes emerging in practice, policy and research, nationally and internationally. They form partnerships with researchers and regularly push the boundaries on issues that impact on children and young people's health and wellbeing.
They provide schools with:
Teaching Resources
Advice and Guidance
Training and Consultancy
External Provision for Schools
This directory is designed to provide you with a range of contacts that can help and support with various areas of your PSHE Education Curriculum. These contacts are willing to support schools across Hull and make a ‘Pledge to PSHE Education.’
The pledge states:
“I pledge to help to improve the emotional health and well-being outcomes for the children and young people of Hull, by supporting and contributing to the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education provided within our schools. This will help young people thrive in their communities and bounce back from life’s challenges.”
As part of PSHE Education, schools often benefit from the expertise of external support from key local providers. This enhances the subject, links young people with local services who can provide support on these issues if needed, and is a vital part of developing responsible, respectful and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults. The personal development of pupils includes promoting equality of opportunity so that they can thrive together in their communities, understanding that difference is a positive, not a negative, and that individual characteristics make people unique.
The DfE Statutory guidance states “Working with external organisations can enhance delivery of these subjects, bringing in specialist knowledge and different ways of engaging with young people.”
Please make direct contact with people who might enhance your PSHE Education Curriculum to discuss your own specific requirements and needs for your individual school.
Please bear in mind the capacity that some of the teams have and contact them with plenty of notice should you require their expertise. There may be costs involved with some of the support, so please contact the individual directly to discuss this further.
Due to Covid-19 the programmes in the brochure may be adapted and taking place in a different format. Please contact the individual providers to discuss this in more detail with them.
Features Overview
Feature 1
Donec eget risus diam. Mauris egestas at nibh nec finibus. In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi.
Feature 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eu est non lacus lacinia semper. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa.
Feature 3
Nulla lectus ante, consequat et ex eget, feugiat tincidunt metus. Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero. Nulla eu pretium massa.