For those whose current need is support in maintaining mental wellbeing through effective prevention and promotion strategies.
‘Thriving’ includes population health and wellbeing promotion, universal prevention, and selective prevention.
Healthy relationships can be a significant protective factor when dealing with the adversity of life. In terms of mental health, strong relationships are one of the biggest predictors of happiness. Research shows that the benefits of healthy relationships are profound and affect our lives in a myriad of ways. Healthy relationships can help buttress us from the stresses of life.
Parents, wider family members and friends
Healthy relationships can be a significant protective factor when dealing with the adversity of life. In terms of mental health, strong relationships are one of the biggest predictors of happiness.
Research shows that the benefits of healthy relationships are profound and affect our lives in a myriad of ways. Healthy relationships can help buttress us from the stresses of life.
5 Ways to Wellbeing
Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life:
Connect with other people
Be physically active
Learn new skills
Give to others
Pay attention in the present moment (mindfulness)
Age: All
Setting: All
Schools and colleges
Schools and Colleges have an important role to play in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their pupils, by developing approaches tailored to the needs of their pupils. The school role in supporting and promoting mental health and wellbeing can be summarised as:
Prevention: creating a safe and calm environment where mental health problems are less likely, improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole school population, and equipping pupils to be resilient so that they can manage the normal stress of life effectively. This will include teaching pupils about mental wellbeing through the curriculum and reinforcing this teaching through school activities and ethos.
School’s role also includes the identification / early support / access to specialist support .
Designated mental health leads in schools and colleges
These positions are charged with leading the school and partners to take a coordinated and evidence-informed approach to mental health and wellbeing.
Grants and DfE approved training is available for school leaders.
Personal, Social, Health, Economic (PSHE) Education Curriculum
Most schools across the city are using the Jigsaw PSHE Education programme. Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is part of the Jigsaw programme, which is made up of six areas:
Being Me in my World
Celebrating Difference
Dreams and Goals
Healthy Me
Relationships and
Changing Me
The curriculum content is well structured, with age-appropriate content and cross-referenced against Ofsted criteria. Jigsaw contains all the content for schools to meet the DfE statutory guidance on Relationships, Sex and Health Education
0-19 Healthy Child Programme: Health Visiting
The Health visitors work with families from conception to five years and beyond. They lead the Healthy Child Programme for the 0-5 years working within all elements of the commissioned programme – Universal, Targeted and Specialist– identifying health needs through holistic health needs assessment and care planning to meet those needs. They are experts in all areas of early identification of need and referral to specialist services. They fit within all areas of the thrive model ranging from;
Getting advice – empowering parents to access services. Accessible service provision/child health clinics/universal contacts/accessing information as necessary/community engagement/building community capacity/health campaigns and promotions etc., Advice and support
Getting help – More targeted intervention following holistic Health Needs assessment – goals led approach/listening contacts/problem solving/ referrals/self help/more targeted support – piece of work required to meet need – Health Development Practitioner intervention
Getting more help – Liaison with partner agencies/TAF (Team Around Family) / Early help/referrals to more specialist interventions
Getting risk support – partner agent in social care cases/work as part of multi agency support package for those families with high level concerns – safeguarding meetings – case conferences/core groups/strategy meetings.
Age: 0-5
Setting: Community
Tel: 01482 259600
0-19 Healthy Child Programme: School Nurses
The school nurse service helps children and young people with physical, emotional and social wellbeing. They deliver services to all children and young people in Hull aged 5-19 years in school, educated at home, missing from education, in alternative education provision or looked after (LAC) by the Local Authority. They provide advice and support on issues such as body worries, alcohol, relationships, sexual health, bullying, drugs, smoking, stress, healthy eating and self-harm. They also offer this through confidential school “pop ins” at secondary school or young people can contact their school nurse directly.
Age: 5-19 or up to 25 with vulnerabilities
Setting: School/community
Tel: 01482 344301
Children Centres
Early Help Children Centres (EHCC) are a core part of the Early Help Delivery Model across Hull, there are 8 Children’s centres across the city, 3 of which are the Early Help Locality Hubs.
EHCC offer a wide range of support for children, young people, and families in Hull, with children aged 0-11 years to ensure families receive support if needed, at any point, support includes:
Parenting sessions
Play and learning sessions
Infant massage classes
Healthy Lifestyles support
SEND family Support
Midwifery clinics / Child health clinics
Home safety checks
A place to meet other parents and carers, build up friendships and support networks
Age: 0-11
Setting: Community
Contact: To make an early help referral use the online form here REFERRAL FORM
North Locality Hub – 01482 828 901
East Locality Hub – 01482 708 953
West Locality Hub – 01482 305 770
Hull Youth Service
The Service works with young people aged 10-19 and up to 24 yrs for those with disabilities and or learning needs,
The Service engages with young people through their voluntary participation in universal and targeted youth work
enables their personal and social development and their ability to make positive relationships with others
responds to identified issues and interests and involves them directly in decision making through Voice and Influence
enables them to make informed lifestyle and health choices
provides a flexible approach and response to meet the needs and issues as they arise
supports young people to make a positive contribution to the wider community
The Youth Development Service offers support through one to one work / small group work / large group work / outreach work / The Hull Young Carers Project.
Age: 0-19 (up to 24 with SEND)
Setting: Community
Kingston Youth Centre HU3 1YE / 331238
Ainthorpe Youth Centre HU5 5EB / 306741
Route One Youth Centre HU6 8PP / 491960
Astra Youth Centre HU7 4HQ/ 310925
Andrew Marvell Youth Centre HU9 4EE / 791226
Youth Clubs and Groups
Find a full list of youth clubs and groups in Hull here Youth Centres — Healthy Holidays Hull (external website)
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme
Universal offer across the city provided over Easter/Summer/Christmas holidays; open to all though targeted at children in receipt of free school meals. There is also a specific SEND offer.
The whole of the programme contributes greatly to improved emotional and mental health in our children and young people by providing access to enriching, fun, social activities, reaching some of our most vulnerable children.
Will also offer a Play Ranger Service focusing on emotional wellbeing of children and young people delivered via outreach sessions.
Age: 0-18 years
Setting: Community
Generation Hull
Generation Hull is the city’s Local Cultural Education Partnership (LCEP) and recognises the value of the arts in supporting young people’s emotional health and wellbeing. It brings together educational and cultural organisations in the city to ensure that all children and young people from Hull’s diverse communities are able to benefit from the amazing creative and cultural offer across Hull. Young people led -GenerationHull is based on collaboration, co-production and active listening to our communities and to one another.
Age: 0-25 years
Setting: Community, Schools and Arts Organisations
Tel: 01482 791226
Twitter: @GenerationHull
Instagram: @generationhull
Hull and East Yorkshire Mind helpline.
24/7 information and advice or support to children, young people or their parents/carers.
Support to professionals working with Children and Young People and Families. If you or someone you know is feeling down, please remember that you are not alone and we are here for you 24 hours a day. We are here to provide information, advice or support to children, young people or their parent carers.
Age: All
Setting: Digital / Phone
Contact Details: 01482 240133 Freephone 0800 1380990 Text: 07520 633 477
Message on Facebook
Twitter @MindHEY
Young Minds Website
Young Minds provide young people with tools to look after their mental health. The website is full of advice and information on what to do if you’re struggling with how you feel. Support is also available for parents and adults who work with young people, to be the best support they can be to the young people in their lives.
Young Minds Textline: Provides free, 24/7 text support for young people across the UK experiencing a mental health crisis. All texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support fromexperienced clinical
Age: Young People
Setting: Digital/Text
Young Minds Textline: Text YM to 85258.
Childline Website / Phone / Email / Counselling support
If you’re under 19 you can confidentially call, chat online or email about any problem big or small.
Sign up for a free Childline locker (real name or email address not needed) to use the free 1-2-1 counsellor chat and email support service.
Can provide a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter if you are deaf or hearing-impaired.
Hosts online message boards where you can share your experiences, have fun and get support from other young people in similar situations.
Age: Under 19 Years
Setting: Digital/Phone
Opening times: 24/7
0800 11 11
Turn 2 Us Youth Workers / Youth Development Service
Turn 2 Us for young people aged 11-16yrs (secondary school age) offering young people the opportunity to have a chat with a youth worker who can provide information advice and guidance (IAG) and support with low level emotional well-being issues.
Turn 2 Us is 1x weekly lunch time drop in available in every Secondary school in Hull during term time and during the holiday periods as Turn 2 Us outreach in open spaces within local communities.
Turn 2 Us is also available as 121 bookable chats (up to 5 sessions) with a youth worker in local HCC youth centres and in some secondary schools.
Young people can contact their local youth centre to book a Turn 2 Us appointment without referral.
Age: 11-16 years
Setting: School/Community
East - Andrew Marvell Youth Centre / 791226
North – Astra Youth Centre / 310925 and Route One Youth Centre / 491960
West – Kingston Youth Centre / 331238 and Ainthorpe Youth Centre / 306471
Connexions are an information, advice and guidance service for 14 to 18
year olds.
They provide specialist information, advice and guidance on education,
training and employment opportunities available in the local area.
If you are over 18 and you have an Education Health and Care Plan, then
we may still be able to support you or refer you to an appropriate agency.
They offer -
Intensive support during transition from year 11 into post 16 education and training.
Supporting young people who unfortunately find themselves not in employment education and training (NEET).
Make you aware of College/Training Open Events, new Opportunities and Apprenticeship vacancies.
Listen to your needs and ideas, to help you make a plan to achieve your career goals.
Provide independent, Information, Advice and Guidance on all your career options and the different learning routes available.
Provide benefit advice for your individual circumstances or signpost you to who you need to speak with.
Offer advice and support with completing CVs, covering letters, application forms for training, education or employment.
Support in preparing for interviews.
Work in partnership with other agencies, to help you overcome any barriers, which may be stopping you from moving forward with your career option for example, mental health, money worries, homelessness, teenage parent, substance misuse.
Age: 13-19 years
Setting: Community
If you would like to meet with one of our advisors, please contact us on 01482 615 223 or 07925 371 905 or 07925 371 906 to book an appointment.
Home Start Hull
Home-Start is a voluntary organisation committed to promoting the welfare of families with at least one child under five years of age.
Home-Start Hull offers befriending support along with practical and emotional advice in the homes of families who are having difficulties managing parenting for a variety of different reasons.
Home-Start’s volunteers work alongside families to give compassionate and confidential support. They help people to regain the confidence to be the parents they want
to be. The support Home-Start volunteers give is non-judgemental, compassionate and confidential.
Age: Families with Children Under 5 years
Setting: Community
Tel: 01482 324063
0-19 Healthy Child Programme: Health Visitors and School Nursing
Early Help and Safeguarding Hull (EHASH)
If you are worried that a child or young person under the age of 18 is at risk of harm or needs help and support, it is important that you share this with us.
If you believe a child or young person is at immediate risk you should contact the police on 999. In an emergency or for urgent advice, please contact the Early Help and
Safeguarding Hub (EHASH)
Age: Under 18
Setting: Community
Contact Details:
Tel: 01482 448 879 option 4
Out of Hours: 01482 300304
Early Help
There will be times when families need support. There are a group of services in Hull collectively known as Early Help who can support families at these times and make problems easier to understand and quicker to solve.
Families can seek support from a professional who is currently known to the family, for example a Health Professional or a member of staff at your child’s school or can make a self-referral.
The model of support reduces demand on specialist and acute service by using a joined up and evidence-based approach to Early Help, resulting in improved outcomes and life chances for families through their needs being met earlier.
Services/professionals include:
Targeted Youth Support
Targeted Pregnancy Support
Early Help Social Workers
Family Group Conferencing
Early Help Support Workers
Age: Additional Needs
Contact Details:
North Locality Hub Tel: 01482 828 901
East Locality Hub Tel: 01482 708 953
West Locality Hub Tel: 01482 305 770
Hull Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
SENDIAS, provided by KIDS in Hull, is a free, confidential, and impartial service for parents and carers, children and young people providing advice / information and support (up to 25 years).
Phone: 01482 467541
The Warren Youth Project: Range of support opportunities
Creative Therapies:
Three Minute Heroes is a music-therapy service and campaign from The Warren Youth Project that supports young people to use creative writing and music to talk openly, confidently and safely about what’s on their mind. The Three Minute Heroes Team supports young people to express their feelings through creative writing. Those writings/lyrics are then given to bands and solo artists who put them to music and create powerful songs that create an authentic voice for young people. Those songs are then digitally released by Warren Records to provide a creative resource. Ages 11-25 years.
Three Minute Monologues –a spoken word & mental-health initiative which involves the same principles as Three Minute Heroes except in this project the final art-form which is theatre, film and spoken word.
Warren Records -Need rehearsal space to smash the life out of a drum kit for your mental health? Got music ideas bouncing around in your head but need help getting them out? Want to learn how to produce; DJ; mic up a drum kit? Or pick up a guitar for the first time? Do you just want to record yourself screaming and banging pans together? Neighbours don’t appreciate how amazing your music is?! Or do you just want to get involved in putting on events? Ages 16-25 years.
Complementary Therapies - Ages 14-25 years
A holistic approach to supporting young people, which encompasses relaxation and mindfulness techniques, massage therapy, Reiki, Reflexology and more recently, Sound Bathing using Tibetan Singing bowls.
LGBTQ Support - Ages 11-25 years
The Warren offers two separate confidential Youth Groups for young people identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer or Questioning. We keep our membership confidential to protect your privacy, as not all of our group members are "out" to their families and peers.
2 youth groups:
•Step out: Age 11-17 (Corner House & Warren Partnership)
•Shout Group: Age 16-25
Racial Equality Youth Council - Ages 16-25 years
A support service for BAME young people who have lived experience of racism.
Work It Out: - Ages 11-25 years
An activity-based project ranging from gym sessions and simple walking-routes around the city to kayaking and wilding-education (woodland camping skills) that helps young people reconnect with nature & the outdoors and build relationships while doing so.
SCRAN! - Ages 16-25 years
A food & nutrition project that brings young people together around fun cooking sessions.
Achieve - Ages 15-29 years
The Achieve project is an Employability & skills initiative supporting vulnerable young people who struggle to secure and/or maintain employment due to adverse circumstances. offer help with CV writing, interview skills, free and funded courses to build skills, information and guidance and a whole host of fun, exciting team-building activities, depending on what young people would like to do.
Young Carers’ Group - Ages 16-25 years
A weekly support group for young people who are helping to provide care for a family member.
Young Parents Group - Ages 16-25 years
A weekly support group for young parents. Creche facilities provided
For more information on these sessions please visit The Warren website here THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT | HULL, ENGLAND | CHARITY
Corner House: Range of support opportunities for LGBTQ+
Step Out
We offer a support group for LGBTQ+ young people aged 11-17, who want to socialise with other young people experiencing similar things to them as well as taking part in a range of activities. This is a weekly session held at a city entre venue. For confidentiality and safety reasons please contact us to arrange a first meeting with a member of the group staff who can have a chat about it with you and give you more information. The group is run in partnership with The Warren and we have an experienced counsellor young people can access through the group as a member of the team.
1:1 Support
For young people 11-16 re: LGBTQ+ - The worker can support individuals in school/other venues who identify as LGBTQ+
Rainbow Flag Award
The Rainbow Flag Award is a national quality assurance framework for primary schools, secondary schools, SEND schools and colleges. The award focuses on positive LGBT+, (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities), inclusion and visibility. The Rainbow Flag Award encourages a whole organisation approach to LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBTphobic bullying.
Ages: 11-17 years
Setting: School / Community
Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs)
In Hull there are 2 MHSTs which cover a total of 35 schools and colleges in this wave, including 7 of our secondary schools, with a 3rd team coming into place in September 2023.
The MHST’s will support local education settings with mild to moderate mental health issues for children and young people and their families through a team of Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHP’s).
Age: 5-19 years
Where - in 35 education settings in Hull.
Speak to Senior Mental Health Lead within the school that has a MHST.
Early Help and Safeguarding Hull (EHASH)
If you are worried that a child or young person under the age of 18 is at risk of harm or needs help and support, it is important that you share this with us.
If you believe a child or young person is at immediate risk you should contact the police on 999. In an emergency or for urgent advice, please contact the Early Help and
Safeguarding Hub (EHASH)
Age: Under 18
Setting: Community
Contact Details:
Tel: 01482 448 879 option 4
Out of Hours: 01482 300304
Parent led Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Parent led Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for anxiety is an intervention for children between the ages of 5-12 that are struggling with anxiety. Children that struggle with anxiety at this age often struggle with some of the concepts required to be treated effectively in one to one therapy. In Parent-led CBT children are treated indirectly through the everyday contacts and patterns of behaviour that parents have with their children with interventions and techniques that are taught to parents in groups. Parents benefit from peer group support from other parents and develop intervention skills together learning from each other’experiences over the course of the 6 weeks.
Age: Parents of 5-12 year olds
Where: Community
tel:01482 240200
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant Training (ELSA)
The Hull City Psychological Service (HCPS) makes a unique contribution by providing a psychological perspective on the education and welfare of children and young people who reside in the city. We offer high quality ELSA training. We are a recognised and registered training provider with the national ELSA network.
ELSAs help pupils with social and emotional difficulties to recognise, understand and manage their emotions, to increase their wellbeing and as a result, their progress in school. ELSAs offer proactive interventions to pupils. ELSAs plan and deliver individual (and small group) support programmes.
Age: 5-16 years
Where: School
Tel: 01482 614 258
To see which schools have a trained ELSA or to find more about the HCPS visit Hull City Councils website here
Mind Counselling
1-to-1 targeted counselling with young people in schools and in the community. This is person centred and focuses on the voice of the Young Person.
YP centred family counselling will be introduced as an intervention to build and develop family relationships and communications.
Issues they can address include bullying / low level anxiety, depression / living with domestic abuse / attachment issues / bereavement / separation and loss / sexuality and gender / self-esteem/self-harm/trauma/OCD/family relationships.
Referrals via Hull Emotional Wellbeing Checklist or a young person and/or parents can self-refer.
Age: 10-19 years
Where: School / Community
The Warren: Counselling
Is an open-access person-centred provision supporting young people with mental-health issues relating to self-harming, eating disorders, depression, homelessness, sexual abuse, physical abuse, substance-abuse, bullying, neglect, domestic violence, relationship breakdown, learning difficulties, racism, homophobia, and loneliness to name just a few.
They understand that lack of power is a contributing factor to psychological distress and therefore believe in a person-centred approach that enables young people to have control and autonomy over their therapy.
Age: 14-25 years
Where: Community
Tel: 01482 221416
Emotional Resilience Coaches (ERCs) / Youth Development Service
Provide an 8 -10 session intervention available for young people aged 10-16yrs (school years 6-11.
The team of 6 Emotional Resilience Coaches (2 per Locality) provide tailored 121 support with a flexible approach aimed at engaging a young person in a way that suits them. The support can be delivered in school, in a local youth centre, home / garden, walk and talk or online / phone. The coaches help young people who are struggling to cope with a range of emotional well-being issues. They help a young person to talk through and understand their issues and create a plan to help build their confidence and develop coping skills. They support young people to get back on track and identify interest groups and wider opportunities they can choose to take up during or following the intervention.
Age: 10-16 year olds - (school years 6-11)
Setting: Community/ school/home / youth centre -young people can choose when and where they would like to receive this support
Referrals via the Early Help Portal or to the Emotional Resilience Coach inbox using the Hull Emotional Wellbeing Checklist. Please can parents and carers only refer via the Early Help Portal: CYP Hub (
SMILE community-based group work / Youth Development Service
Is for young people aged 10 – 16 yrs. (school years 6-11). A 12-week group work intervention (1 x weekly session) delivered in local HCC youth centres (tea-time / early evening). SMILE is delivered by youth workers and offers a mix of activities to help young people understand their feelings, gain confidence, and build positive relationships in a supportive environment with peers who have experienced similar issues.
Age: 10-16 years (school years 6-11)
Setting: Community - locality based youth centres
Children's Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (CPWPs)
Children and Young People’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies provides 1 to 1 support face to face or online.
Hull has a team of 8 CPWPs who are specially trained children’s practitioners who work with children and young people between the ages of 10-18yrs who may struggle to cope with feelings of mild to moderate anxiety and low mood. They provide short term focused interventions across 6-8 sessions. Therapy is low intensive and can be delivered face to face, via telephone, online or in the form of self-help materials. The service is designed to be quickly accessed by young people
CPWPs work in local community settings, with CYP 10+yrs with mild to moderate anxiety and low mood.
Children under the age of 10 may benefit from Parent Led CBT sessions.
Age: 10-18 years
Where: Community
Contact Details Hull Contact Point - Tel: 01482 303688
Referral form -
Hull City Council Parenting Team: group work sessions, digital offer and 1-2-1 support
Hull City Council Parenting team offer a range of needs led parenting support mainly to work with parents/carers in manging children’s behaviour using positive strategies which can help to improve family relationships, and family routines. ‘Sollihull Online’ offers various online parenting courses:
Understanding Your
Understanding Your Baby
Understating Your Child
Understanding Your Teenagers Brain
Understanding Your Brain (Teenagers Only!)
Understanding Your Child with Additional Needs.
For a FREE code to access for Hull residents see:
Or if more support is required, please make an Early Help referral. Online form:
Age: Parents
Where: Community / Digital
North Locality Hub - Tel: 01482 828 901
East Locality Hub - Tel: 01482 708 953
West Locality Hub - Tel: 01482 305 770
Seed Eating Disorder Service
Seed offer a ange of workshops linked to those young people who have or are recovering from an eating disorder.
The Recovery after Recovery programme is aimed at Young People in Hull and East Riding who do not meet specialist eating disorder services to provide support, 1 to 1 and group sessions through a range of workshops.
Walking on Egg shells: Is a workshop for parent/carers to understand their child’s eating disorder and how to support them. The programme also provides peer support to parent/carers.
Age: 11-24 years
Where: Community
Tel: 01482 347886
0-19 Healthy Child Programme: Health Visitors & School Nursing
Find full information here Thriving — How Are You Feeling?
Dove House : Grief and Bereavement Services
Children and young people often struggle with grief, and may need extra support when someone they love has died. If you think Dove House can help, contact the Child Bereavement Co-ordinators who will be able to give you information about our Children’s Bereavement Groups.
The Family Support Team has lots of experience in helping people to talk through their grief, and the many thoughts and emotions that come and go during this time. The team can also help with practical advice and support and have links with lots of other organisations who can offer support to you and your family.
Age: Under 18
Where: Community
Tel: 01482 784343
Fit Mums: Together in Grief
Together in Grief – The Forest Project helps children and young people cope with bereavement. We use forest activities, literature and bereavement support to create a safe space in which participants can explore and express their grief.
Being outside in nature can benefit both our physical and mental wellbeing.
According to mental health charity Mind it can:
improve mood
reduce feelings of stress or anger
improve confidence and self-esteem
help people make new connections
provide peer support
help people be more active
improve physical health
Making a forest an ideal setting in which to support bereaved children and young people. We also hope that the forest setting and activities will suit children who may find a more traditional approach intimidating.
Age: under 18 years
Where: Community
Cornerhouse: Range of support available
The project, Tender Healthy Relationships, is a 10-hour project which works with one class of students in either Year 8, 9 or 10. Our aim is to help students develop skills for building healthy and respectful relationships. We achieve this through open, creative workshops that explore the healthy and unhealthy aspects of relationships, empowering students to consider their attitudes and behaviour in an age appropriate way.
This a partnership service delivered with The Warren and aims deliver a holistic model that will deliver a range of interventions to CYP to prevent them becoming first-time entrants to the criminal justice system. The model will implement a three stage strategy of identification, initial engagement, and holistic support and intervention. The service will be delivered using a trauma informed approach to ensure a focus on understanding need and behaviours based on a young person’s story and what’s happened to them. The partnership will identify those young people who are:
At risk of /being exploited including those who may be involved in county lines
Young people who are frequently missing
Looked after children
Young people who identify as neuro-diverse
Those at risk of becoming perpetrators of domestic abuse or peer-to-peer exploitation
Age: 11-18 years
Where: School / Community
Email: (TENDER)
Springboard (formerly YEI – Youth Employment Initiative)
Learners accessing support must be on or eligible for Springboard or be a participant on the Youth Hub, which both target young people that are NEET (not in education or employment or training).
For young people who are experiencing mental and emotional health issues. CBT and Counselling. There is an expectation that the young person wants to move towards Education, Employment or Training.
Learners on the project will also have access to Keyworker support via Hull City Council, who can aid with practical issues affecting a young person’s mental health; including housing, benefits, barriers to accessing education, training or employment. Other partners on the project include Hull Training, Goodwin Partnership, Making Changes 4 Careers, Prince’s Trust, The Warren, and This-Ability.
Age: 16-29 years
Where: Community
Eligible young people can be referred through any provider (e.g. directly to us, or via Hull City Council
Lets Talk: Depression and Anxiety Services in Hull
Offering Primary Care support for common mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety disorders, stress and bereavement. This is primarily a talking therapy service with the additional offer of psycho-educational sessions. Interventions include:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Psycho-Education class about Stress, Anxiety and Low Mood
Graded Exposure for Anxiety (Facing fears)
Behavioural Activation (increasing meaningful activity)
Age: 17.5 years plus
Where: Community
Tel: 01482 247111
Emotional Resilience Coaches: 16+
The 2 City wide Emotional Resilience Coaches 16+ offer short term interventions to help young people aged 16-24yrs whose emotional well-being/ mental health issues are a barrier to achieving a positive transition to adulthood. Targeting vulnerable / at risk young people e.g. Care Leavers; Young People in the youth justice system; NEETs; and those at risk of NEET. Using a tailored and flexible approach to support individual needs and issues.
Flexible approach- the young person can choose when, how and where they would like to receive this support.
Age: 16-24 years
Where: Community
Referral or self-referral using the Early Help portal or young person contacting
Tel: 01482 331238 to self refer
Youth Hub
The young person must have a Job Coach via the Job Centre and be referred in via that route (usually targeting those 16-24). Young people accessing the Youth Hub will be offered Keyworker support, Careers Guidance, Volunteer and Placement support, along with Job Clubs; meanwhile Let’s Talk support is available to support provision within the Youth Hub itself.
For young people who are experiencing mental and emotional health issues. CBT and Counselling. There is an expectation that the young person wants to move towards Education, Employment or Training.
Age: 16-24 years
Where: Community
Eligible young people can be referred through any provider (e.g. directly to us or via Hull City Council
Psypher (Early Onset Psychosis Service)
The team work with people aged between 14 and 65, who are experiencing their first episode of psychosis or might be at risk of developing psychosis.
This guide from Re-Think provides more information about what to expect from an Early Intervention Service.
Age: 14 years plus
Where: Community
Contact - Via a GP referral or telephone 01482 336786
Contact Point
Contact Point provides a single point of access to CAMHS services. It is staffed by clinicians and has been designed to make it easier for young people and their families to access services.
Age: Up to 18 years
Where: Community
Contact Point teams can be contacted between 9am and 5pm weekdays excluding bank holidays.
Tel: - 01482 303688
Out of office hours: through to the Crisis Team on 01482 301701 - option 2.
If there is an immediate threat to life call 999
Specialist NHS CYP Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Provide assessment and intervention and support CYP and their families/carers. Some of the issues supported includes:
Moderate/Severe Anxiety, Depression, Eating disorders, Psychosis, PTSD, Self-harm and other complex psychological difficulties. CAMHS deliver support through a range of specialist therapeutic and pharmacological interventions.
Professionals to complete the online referral form and Young People, Parent/Carers to call contact point
For more info on a referral please contact –
Contact Point Telephone 01482 303688 or
Community Eating Disorder Service (CEDS)
The Hull and East Riding Community CAMHS Eating Disorder Service (CEDS) offers assessment, intervention and support to young people (up to the age of 18 years) and their families with a suspected or confirmed eating disorder.
The service provides community evidence-based interventions in accordance with National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE, 2017) for children and young people with eating disorders and the NHS England Access and Waiting Time Standard for Children and Young People with an Eating Disorder. The team offer a family-based approach.
The team has specialist knowledge in working with children and young people with an eating disorder and works closely with other services and agencies.
Age: Up to 18 years
Where: Community
Tel: 01482 347886
Young People, Parent/Carers and Professionals can call the team for advice
Professionals can refer online at
Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH)
If you are worried that a child or young person under the age of 18 is at risk of harm or needs help and support, it is important that you share this with us.
If you believe a child or young person is at immediate risk you should contact the police on 999.
In an emergency or for urgent advice, please contact the Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH)
Age: Under 18
Where: Community
Tel: 01482 448 879 option 4
Out of Hours: 01482 300304
ReFresh Hull
Refresh are a confidential support service for under 19’s in Hull who work with young people and/or families around drugs and alcohol. We also provide stop smoking support for under 16’s.
Staff at ReFresh will do their best to work with you in a place where you feel comfortable whether that’s online, over the phone or face to face. We are friendly and non-judgemental and there is no such thing as a stupid question, use the advice and questionnaires to find out how best we can help.
Age: Under 19
Where: Community
Tel: 01482 331059
Intensive Home Treatment Team
Children’s and Young Peoples crisis offer which includes a 24/7 mental health crisis provision for children and young people that combines crisis assessment, brief response and intensive home treatment functions.
The team provide short to medium-term intensive community support to young people that are hard to engage, require assertive engagement and who require a significant number of interventions each week to prevent potential crisis / in-patient admissions.
Age: Up to 18 years
Where: Community
Contact Details: Between 9 – 5pm Mon – Fri contact ‘Contact Point’
Tel: 01482 303688
Out of hours
Tel: 01482 301701 option 2 for CYP
Children and Young People’s SafeSpace
The service is a collaboration between CAMHS and Hull and East Yorkshire Mind
Age: 14 up to 18 years old
Where: Hull and East Yorkshire Mind, Beverley Road
Tel: 01482 310701 option 2 for children and young people
Operational times 8pm-9am 7 days per week
Referral route is via CAMHS Referral into Crisis or Home based Treatment pathways.