COVID-19 Advice For Parents


CORONAVIRUS: Advice Sources for Parents

Here are lots of useful links to external websites of trusted sources where you can find advice and guidance on how to help young people through this uncertain time. You can also find advice for yourself and ways to keep you and your family emotionally healthy.


Cruse Bereavement Pack
A comprehensive directory offering advice, support and information covering all aspects of bereavement.
Download the pdf

Carers UK
Advice on the support available to carers in the UK
Carers UK COVID -19 Advice

Humber Young Peoples Urgent Mental Health 24/7 Helpline–
01482 301701 option 2

This helpline offers mental health support and advice for young people up to the age of 18 years in urgent need of help.  It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The service is also available for family members, carers and professionals who are concerned about a young person.

You will speak to Call Handlers who are experienced in talking to young people and adults in distress and provide guidance to help you manage the situation and your feelings.  They  have information on all the health, social and voluntary services available to support you. They will refer to these services or make an appointment if this is needed. They may also decide you need a crisis response from our CAMHS Crisis Team.  If this is the case the CAMHS Crisis Team will contact you to agree what support you need which could include a visit to your home from one of our CAMHS Crisis Clinicians.

Domestic Violence and COVID-19
Local domestic abuse support services are available and continue to provide support, advice and information. If you, a family member, friend or neighbour are affected by domestic abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour please contact:
Hull DAP: 01482 318759
If you need to request support online visit:
Hull Women’s Aid: 01482 446099
Preston Road Women’s Centre: 01482 790310
If in immediate danger dial 999 (No credit is needed)
If you can’t speak, press 55 on your telephone when the call taker is on the line and they will still provide help
To report a non-emergency incident contact Humberside Police on 101
Click here for safety planning advice

The coronavirus outbreak is leading to big changes in the way we live our everyday lives. Our relationships will be hugely important for getting us through self-isolation, social distancing and other concerns may also place them under added pressure. Relate counsellors have put together some tips for looking after your relationships with partners, family, children, friends, colleagues and yourself during this challenging time.
Relate website

Relationship Matters
The website offers families information, tips and advice as the coronavirus pandemic is leading to big changes in the way people live their everyday lives and manage relationships.  Disagreements and arguments are completely normal but if they become a problem then help is at hand.
The RelationshipMatters website provides tips, information and help to stay calm and work out what needs to happen, as well as signpost to receive any further help.

Cruse Bereavement
This website offers very helpful support, advice and information on bereavement, including dealing with bereavement during the current Coronavirus situation.
Cruse Bereavement Website

Anna Freud – Child in Mind
A series of expert podcasts to help parents understand and manage child and family mental health problems.
Child In Mind Podcasts

Anna Freud – National Centre for Children and Families
Supporting Young People during periods of disruption.
Anna Freud COVID-19 Advice

Every Mind Matters
A comprehensive batch of advice articles to help you manage your mental health while isolating at home.
List of Articles

Great advice regarding staying at home including a useful checklist of everything you need for isolation.
Advice on coping with isolation

Coronavirus guide for parents
Parent Guide

Time To Change
Guidance on how stay connected and how you can help others, as well as help with managing budgets during the current situation
Stay Connected Advice

Online Safety from Humberside Police
Humberside police recommend these sources to ensure your children are safe online during their time at home. These sources carry advice for all ages and cover all platforms and devices.
Get Safe Online
Online Radicalisation (YouTube)
Cybercrime: Help your child make the right choices (YouTube)

Parent Info
Help and advice for parents in a digital world
Digital Guide for Parents

Parent Zone – Online Saftey
Many insightful articles to help keep young people safe online during isolation
Excellent Online Safety Guide

Parent Zone – Well-being
Lots of great advice around well-being during isolaton ,including things such as screen time , helping teenagers cope and starting the converdation about COVID -19
Well-being Advice for Parents

Parent Zone – Education FAQ
Questions answered regarding young peoples education during the crisis
Full FAQ's

Young Minds
Advice on talking to your child about Coronavirus and 10 tips from their Parents Helpline to support family wellbeing.
10 Tips from Parents

Training exercises
Short on-line training courses you can complete at home that will not only help you, but also equip you to help others too.

HCC Training
There are some great FREE online course over at Hull Training including subjects such as Managing Children's Behaviour, Art for Well-being and more.
HCC Training Website

Friends Against Scams Training (25 minutes)
Complete the Friends Against Scams training to raise awareness of types of fraud, how to protect yourself from fraud and how to prevent others becoming victims.
Take the Course

Talk Suicide training (20 minutes)
SEE - Identify the signs of when someone might be suffering from suicidal thoughts and behaviour.
SAY - Feel comfortable speaking out about suicide in a supportive manner.
SIGNPOST - Signpost anyone suffering to the correct services and support e.g Samaritans call 116 123.
Take the Course